What sand for sanding the lawn?

What sand for sanding the lawn?

What sand is suitable for the lawn?

Note: Basically, not all sand is suitable for sanding your lawn! There is a reason why there are so many different sands on the market. And each of them has its own merits. You can find out which sand you should use here.


Which sand should I not use?

You should definitely spare your child's sandbox. Because this sand has far too much clay and small parts. And that's how it should be there: After all, your offspring would like this sand to "bake" nicely in order to build a great sandcastle.

If you apply sand like this to your lawn - and you already have firm, loamy soil - you'll do the exact opposite of what you want to accomplish, because it will compact your soil even more!


What sand is suitable for sanding the lawn?

You should choose a sand that has little to no (more) small and clay particles. The ideal sand is quartz sand that has been washed and fire-dried several times.

You can find these in different grits (sizes) and again, it depends on what exactly you want to accomplish by sanding your lawn.

If you want to use the lawn sand to loosen your soil, a grain size of 0.5 - 1.5 mm is ideal.

In rural areas, you will most likely be able to have such sand delivered to you from a well-stocked gravel pit. Alternatively, you can of course order it directly from us: To the lawn sand


If you want to learn more details about the different sands, feel free to check out this video from PerfectGreen. Here you will get all the answers about sanding your lawn. Which sand should you use? What does sanding do? How should I prepare my lawn for sanding?


This is a compilation of the original full-length video on sanding lawns. Our absolute recommendation to subscribe to the channel!

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When should I sand the lawn?
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