Handle adapter for Fiskars handles to WOLF tool handle
Would you like to use your Fiskars tool handle with the Rasenrakel ?
No problem. Your suitable adapter can be fitted in just a few simple steps.
As Fiskars only offers this adapter in plastic, the Wolf adapter must first be placed on the Rasenrakel to ensure the necessary stable connection.
💡 A handle adapter is generally not necessary because the Rasenrakel is designed for any commercially available standard handle with a diameter of 2.8 cm (wood, fiberglass, etc.). However, the handle should be at least 180-200 cm long in order to work comfortably and protect your back.
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More than 18,000 satisfied customers worldwide
Premium quality without compromise
Made in Germany
We attach great importance to the fact that the Wolf adapter, just like the Rasenrakel, is not only manufactured in Germany, but also that all accessories come directly from the region.
From the smallest screw to the packaging, we try not only to protect the environment with very short distances, but also to support regional partners at
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
📦 How fast is shipping?
Your order will be dispatched from our warehouse in Saxony-Anhalt by DHL Go-Green on the same day or the next working day at the latest (depending on the time of receipt). Within Germany, your parcel should therefore be with you within 2-3 days. Often even faster.
Throughout Europe, we achieve a realistic delivery time of 3-5 days depending on the destination country.
For orders outside the EU please visit: rasenrakel.com
📦 Can I order internationally?
Yes, of course. We deliver to the entire EU via this store.
For deliveries to non-EU countries, USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and worldwide, please visit: rasenrakel.com
📦 Can I order to Switzerland?
Of course, you can also have your purchase delivered tax-free to Switzerland or Liechtenstein.
Option 1:
Place your order here:
Option 2:
As Switzerland is our third largest export country, you can now also order your purchase directly in Switzerland via our trading partner Lawntools.ch. Please check the conditions directly on the website: lawntools.ch
Option 3:
Via MeinEinkauf.ch private customers and companies with their place of residence or business in Switzerland (or Liechtenstein) can purchase goods from online retailers in Germany and have them sent to their address in Switzerland. As a customer of MeinEinkauf.ch, you will receive a free e-mail address for this purpose. If you use this address when ordering in the store and purchase goods on account from MeinEinkauf GmbH (Germany), your purchase will be delivered directly to you in Switzerland, duty paid and taxed.
📦 Can I order as a company / authority / association?
Of course. If you need a written offer before placing a binding order, just let us know.
For shipments to companies in other EU countries (intra-Community delivery of goods), your order will initially be charged at the normal German VAT rate. Please then send us your VAT ID, stating your order number. The invoice will be changed accordingly and we will refund the tax immediately via the payment method you used.
🌱 Why should I sand my lawn?
What has contributed to a dense and lush green on soccer pitches and golf courses for many years has also long been a must for professionals in the home garden: sanding the lawn. The more the lawn is used, the more the soil becomes compacted and uneven. This happens quite automatically over the years, but also when building a new house. Especially when the future garden is repeatedly driven over by heavy vehicles, the new homeowner is surprised when sowing the seeds that the desired result is not achieved. If you love and care for your lawn, you should give it a sand treatment at least twice a year, both when it is newly laid and afterwards.
The results after sanding the lawn are astounding:
✔ Compacted soil is loosened by sanding
✔ Heavy soils become more permeable
✔ No waterlogging as the sand acts as drainage
✔ Fewer problems with moss and weeds
✔ Oxygen reaches the roots better
✔ Unevenness is leveled and a more even surface is created
What happens when you rake the lawn?
In the first step, the sand applied and processed with the Rasenrakel levels out any unevenness. Where there are slight depressions, the lawn sand settles. Where there is no unevenness, the Rasenrakel pushes it on evenly. The result is a more even surface. Over the coming weeks, the sand will gradually seep into the underlying soil and, by loosening it up (in simple terms, small cavities are created everywhere between the grains of sand), provide natural drainage and more oxygen in the root area of the lawn.
The result:
Now that you can no longer see the sand on the surface, you will soon see the first results, which you can also see on the plant. Very soon you will notice a lush, vibrant green of the plants and the roots can really "breathe" again. The lawn not only becomes more even because the sand levels out the hollows, but also thicker and stronger.
🌱 When should I sand the lawn?
Sanding the lawn with Rasenrakel is an effective method of improving the soil and promoting lawn growth. But of course, the right time for sanding is also crucial to achieve optimum results.
The ideal time to sand the lawn is clearly during its main growing months: April, May, June, July, August and September.
Why is this period ideal?
In the main growth months of the lawn, the conditions are optimal for root growth and regeneration of the lawn. The turf is strong enough to support the overgrowth of the sanded areas if necessary and to cope with the stress caused by sanding and subsequent maintenance.
Sanding the lawn during this time offers various advantages:
- The sand can effectively penetrate the soil and improve the soil structure.
- Sanding loosens compaction and improves aeration of the roots.
- ✔ The growth of new grasses is promoted and bare patches can regenerate more quickly.
- ✔ The lawn is given an overall healthier and stronger structure.
No rule without exception:
Although the main growing months are of course the best time for sanding, spring and fall can also be used very well for a smaller amount of lawn sand to improve the soil. This can help to keep the lawn in good condition all year round. Note, however, that during these periods the sanding may not be as effective as during the main growing months. Only light sanding should therefore be used here and the leveling of hollows should be avoided.
🌱 Which sand should I use?
Caution:Not every type of sand is suitable for sanding your lawn! There is a reason why there are so many different sands on the market. And each one has its own characteristics. You can find out which sand you should use here.
Which sand should I not use?
You should definitely spare your child's sandbox. Because this sand has far too many clay and small particles. And that's how it should be: Your offspring would like this sand to "bake" nicely so that they can build a great sandcastle.
If you apply sand like this to your lawn - and you already have firm, loamy soil - you will achieve exactly the opposite of what you want, because it will compact your soil even more!
Which sand is suitable for lawn sanding?
You should choose a sand that has little or no small particles or clay (anymore). A quartz sand that has been washed and fire-dried several times is therefore ideal.
You can find these in different grain sizes and here, too, it depends on what exactly you want to achieve by sanding your lawn.
If you want to loosen your soil with the lawn sand, a grain size of 0.5 - 1.5 mm is ideal.
In rural areas, you will most likely be able to have such sand delivered from a well-stocked gravel pit. Alternatively, you can of course order it directly from us: To the lawn sand
🌱 How do I go about sanding the lawn?
To get the best results from sanding the lawn and really help the soil, you shouldn't just sprinkle the sand on the lawn. That won't help, of course.
Ideally, you should proceed in the following steps:
✔ Mow the lawn briefly
Scarify (or even aerate)
✔ Thoroughly remove thatch (if necessary, use a rotary mower with a good suction effect again)
✔ Spread sand roughly over the lawn and then spread with a landscaperake
✔ Use theRasenrakelwork the sand into the surface
By now at the latest, your lawn will look so scary that tears will well up in your eyes and you will doubt your decision. But you'll see the results after just two weeks.
Gradually (approx. 14 days), the sand will seep into the underlying soil and, through this loosening (because, to put it simply, small cavities are created everywhere between the grains of sand), provide natural drainage and more oxygen in the root area of the lawn. The more often you repeat sanding, the faster you will achieve even better results and gently level your lawn.
🌱 How long does the sand stay on the lawn?
After you have finished with the lawn sand, the question quickly arises as to how long it will look "so awful". In short: it depends.
On the one hand, of course, it depends on how much sand you have used and, on the other, on the conditions. On an already relatively level surface, you will very quickly no longer see the sand, as it will seep into the ground and the sand will compact the lawn again.
However, if you are dealing with larger bumps, you may still see them for a few days. If the hollows are not too deep, the grasses will work their way through again after a few days.
However, if the holes are too deep (more than 2 cm), it is advisable to reseed these areas with topsoil or special turf soil. As a rule, after 10-14 days there will be no more sand on the surface and the first results will not be long in coming.
🌱 How can Rasenrakel help me?
The Rasenrakel is the ideal companion for you and your garden. From the new construction of your house to the creation of new garden and lawn areas, from regular sanding to sand bunker maintenance.
The "foundation" is particularly important when laying a new lawn. If you don't prepare a really level surface here, your beloved green will be a hilly landscape for a long time. With Rasenrakel , you can create an absolutely level surface in no time at all.
It is of course also the ideal tool for regularly sanding your lawn. Thanks to its special design, it glides effortlessly over the grass and protects the plants.
It is also used extensively in civil engineering. Many gardening and landscaping companies tell us that they use the Rasenrakel to level driveways, gravel and grit.
It has also found its way into many cities and municipalities, which use it to maintain their sports pitches and green spaces. And not just real turf pitches, but also artificial turf pitches in particular, which are of course also regularly sanded.
💡 Which Rasenrakel is right for me?
Basically, it is first of all a question of the area you want to work on:
The more maneuverable Rasenrakel L-80 is of course ideal for a 250 m² front garden. However, if you want to work on a larger area instead, you are better off with the Rasenrakel XL-120. On the soccer pitch or golf course, the Rasenrakel XXL-160 is of course in its preferred terrain.
But the level of your lawn is also crucial:
While you can use the Rasenrakel L-80 to remove the "rougher" unevenness, you can use the wider variants for fine tuning and get even the smallest unevenness flat thanks to the extremely wide contact surface. In our opinion, both large Rasenrakel are more suitable for professionals.
💡 Do I need an adapter for the Rasenrakel?
A handle adapter is generally not necessary because the Rasenrakel is designed for any commercially available standard handle with a diameter of 2.8 cm (wood, fiberglass, etc.).
However, the handle should be at least 180-200 cm long in order to work comfortably and to protect your back.
If you want to use the Rasenrakel with your existing Gardena, Fiskars or Wolf tool handle, this is easily possible with our adapters.
💡 Why is there no handle with the delivery?
The ideal handle for really powerful and back-friendly work with the Rasenrakel should be at least 180 cm long, preferably even 200 cm.
To send a handle of this length, DHL charges us as a small retailer just under EUR 20. This is of course disproportionate to the value of such a handle, which is available for 5-8 EUR in any DIY store.
We also strongly advise against using an attachable or screwable handle (so that it somehow fits into the package) !
Of course, we have also tested these over and over again in recent years and have found that although it seems to be an advantage at first if a handle is included, they cannot withstand the heavy load for long.
By the way: We have found the perfect handle - for both the Rasenrakel and the landscape rake - here: Wooden tool handle - 200 cm